The discovery of neutrons is credited to British physicist James Chadwick in 1932. Chadwick conducted a series of experiments in which he bombarded beryllium with alpha particles, leading to the emission of a neutral radiation. Through careful analysis, he concluded that this radiation consisted of previously unknown, uncharged particles with a mass nearly equal to that of a proton. He named these particles “neutrons.”
Chadwick’s discovery was a pivotal moment in nuclear physics, as it completed the basic understanding of atomic structure by revealing the presence of neutrons in the nucleus, alongside protons. Neutrons play a crucial role in the stability of atomic nuclei and opened the door to groundbreaking advancements, including the development of nuclear reactors and the atomic bomb. For this discovery, Chadwick was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1935.
James Chadwick in 1932. This question related to Chapter 1 physics Class 11th NCERT. From the Chapter 1. Units and Measurements. Give answer according to your understanding.
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