The Modified Shuttle Run involves parallel 10-meter lines. Players sit in a stance, start running on a whistle, and return after reaching the line. Faults occur if boundaries are crossed or players move sideways.
Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 3 Chapter 3 Fundamental Skills of Kho-Kho question answer
Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit III Chapter 3 Fundamental Skills of Kho-Kho, Khel Yatra
The Modified Shuttle Run is a fitness activity designed to enhance agility and speed. Players start in a sitting stance along parallel 10-meter lines. At the whistle’s sound, they run straight to the finish line and return to the starting point. Players must maintain form and avoid crossing boundaries or lateral movements. Faults require players to restart. The activity emphasizes discipline, quick reactions, and endurance, helping players improve their overall gameplay in Kho-Kho.