When an ebonite rod is rubbed with the skin of a cat, the ebonite rod becomes negatively charged. This happens because the rod gains electrons from the cat’s skin, resulting in an excess of electrons on the rod, which gives ...
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The fisherman should aim directly below where the fish is visible. This compensates for the refraction of light at the water’s surface, which makes the fish appear higher than its actual position. By aiming below, the spear’s path will align ...
The speed of light is minimum while passing through a medium like glass, where its velocity is slower compared to its speed in vacuum. This difference is due to the higher refractive index of glass, which causes light to slow ...
In biology laboratories, compound microscopes are used to see magnified images of microscopic cells or organisms. These microscopes use multiple lenses to magnify tiny objects, allowing scientists to observe details not visible to the naked eye and study biological structures ...
The additional yellow lights on some transport vehicles are used to improve visibility in foggy or hazy conditions. This is because yellow light has a longer wavelength than white light, allowing it to better penetrate through the water droplets in ...