The planet mentioned as smaller than Earth and red in color is Mars. It is well known for its dusty red surface, which makes it distinct among other planets in the solar system and easily visible from Earth. Class 6 Arts ...
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After the rocky planets in the solar system, we find gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn, followed by ice giants like Uranus and Neptune. These larger planets consist mostly of gases and lack solid surfaces. Class 6 Visual Arts Kriti-I Songwriting ...
Descriptive writing involves vividly detailing an object, place or experience to create a clear mental image for the reader or listener. It engages the senses and imagination to make descriptions more immersive and impactful. Class 6 Arts Kriti-I Chapter 10 Songwriting ...
Descriptive writing enhances lyrics by adding vivid imagery, making songs more engaging and emotionally powerful. It helps listeners visualize scenes, emotions and stories, creating a deeper connection with the music. Class 6 NCERT Arts Chapter 10 Songwriting solutions Class 6 Visual Arts ...
Students are asked to listen to an unfamiliar melody and write original lyrics to match it. This enhances their songwriting ability by helping them adapt lyrics to different musical structures. Class 6 Visual Arts Kriti-I Songwriting question answer Class 6 NCERT Arts ...