25 अवलोकनों का मध्यक 12 है, और दूसरे 15 अवलोकनों का मध्यक 20 है, तो सभी 40 अवलोकनों का मध्यक ज्ञात करो।
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Ques- what meaning of cash received in respect of debit balance in creditors ledger? Please Explain in detail?
Previous year question paper of cbse class 12th board
Asked: In: Class 11
can anyone provide me 1 mark, 3 mark, 5 marks study material of chapter Doping class 11 physical education.
Please upload physics and biology sample papers and upload the answers of all the sample papers
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What is the use of NCERT Solutions? Is is compulsory to go through?
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