The material used in electrical fuses, an alloy of tin and lead, should have high specific resistance and a low melting point. This combination ensures that the fuse wire heats up quickly and melts when excessive current flows, thereby breaking ...
Tiwari Academy Discussion Latest Questions
Electrical fuses are designed to have a low melting point so that they can quickly melt and break the circuit when excessive current flows through, providing protection against electrical hazards such as overheating and fires.
A fuse wire is used in an electric circuit to prevent excess current from flowing in the circuit. By melting and breaking the circuit when the current exceeds a safe level, the fuse protects the electrical components and wiring from ...
Ohm’s law defines the relationship between voltage (potential difference) and current in an electrical circuit, stating that the current flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage applied across it, provided the temperature remains constant.
Fans, bulbs, and other electrical appliances installed in houses are typically installed in parallel. In a parallel circuit configuration, each appliance is connected individually to the power supply, allowing them to operate independently. This setup ensures that if one appliance ...
The resistance of an ideal voltmeter is infinite. An ideal voltmeter does not draw any current from the circuit it is measuring; therefore, it has infinite resistance. This ensures that it does not affect the circuit being measured and accurately ...
Earth is used in electrical equipment primarily for safety. It provides a path to dissipate fault currents safely into the ground, preventing electric shocks, fires, and damage to equipment. This grounding ensures that in case of a fault, such as ...
In electrical fittings, a wire is connected to ground primarily to provide a safe path for electrical current in case of a fault, such as a short circuit. This connection directs excessive current away from sensitive equipment and prevents electric ...
When a person enters a dark room from a bright area, initially they do not see clearly due to the slow adaptation of their eyes to low light conditions. Over time, their eyes adjust through a process called dark adaptation, ...
When light waves pass from air to glass, only the wavelength and velocity are affected. The frequency remains constant as it depends on the source. The wavelength decreases in glass due to its higher refractive index, while the velocity decreases ...