The color with the maximum wavelength is red. Red light has the longest wavelength among the visible spectrum, typically ranging from approximately 620 to 750 nanometers. This longer wavelength causes red light to refract less sharply than other colors when ...
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The color combination most convenient during day and night is yellow and blue. These colors provide high visibility and contrast in various lighting conditions, aiding visibility during both daylight and nighttime.
The color of an opaque object is due to the color which it absorbs. When light strikes an opaque object, certain wavelengths (colors) of light are absorbed by the object’s surface material. The remaining wavelengths are reflected or scattered, giving ...
If a green electric bulb is installed in a room, the red cloth will appear black colored. This is because green light is absorbed by the red cloth, which reflects only red wavelengths. Since green light is absent, the cloth ...
The additional yellow lights on some transport vehicles are used to improve visibility in foggy or hazy conditions. This is because yellow light has a longer wavelength than white light, allowing it to better penetrate through the water droplets in ...