Carbohydrates and fats are considered energy-giving foods. Explanation: These nutrients provide the energy required for physical activities and bodily functions. For more please visit here:
Carbohydrates and fats are considered energy-giving foods.
Explanation: These nutrients provide the energy required for physical activities and bodily functions.
The primary components are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Explanation: These components provide energy, help in body-building, and protect against diseases. For more please visit here:
The primary components are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Explanation: These components provide energy, help in body-building, and protect against diseases.
Different crops grow in different regions due to soil, climate, and cultural preferences. Explanation: Geographic and climatic diversity in India leads to varied crop cultivation, which influences traditional diets. For more please visit here: more
Different crops grow in different regions due to soil, climate, and cultural preferences.
Explanation: Geographic and climatic diversity in India leads to varied crop cultivation, which influences traditional diets.
It means "food gives life to living beings." Explanation: This Sanskrit phrase highlights the importance of food in sustaining all forms of life. For more please visit here:
It means “food gives life to living beings.”
Explanation: This Sanskrit phrase highlights the importance of food in sustaining all forms of life.
Food provides energy, supports growth, and protects the body from diseases. Explanation: Food is essential for survival because it supplies the nutrients needed for bodily functions, repair, and energy for daily activities. For more please visit here: more
Food provides energy, supports growth, and protects the body from diseases.
Explanation: Food is essential for survival because it supplies the nutrients needed for bodily functions, repair, and energy for daily activities.
Iodine prevents goitre by supporting thyroid function. Explanation: Adding iodine to salt helps prevent thyroid-related health issues. For more please visit here:
Iodine prevents goitre by supporting thyroid function.
Explanation: Adding iodine to salt helps prevent thyroid-related health issues.
Goitre is caused by an iodine deficiency and can be prevented by consuming iodised salt. Explanation: Iodine is essential for thyroid health, and fortified salt prevents goitre. For more please visit here:
Goitre is caused by an iodine deficiency and can be prevented by consuming iodised salt.
Explanation: Iodine is essential for thyroid health, and fortified salt prevents goitre.
Water aids digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste removal. Explanation: Water maintains bodily functions, keeps skin healthy, and supports digestion. For more please visit here:
Water aids digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste removal.
Explanation: Water maintains bodily functions, keeps skin healthy, and supports digestion.
Green leafy vegetables and pomegranate. Explanation: Iron-rich foods prevent anaemia and promote healthy blood cells. For more please visit here:
Green leafy vegetables and pomegranate.
Explanation: Iron-rich foods prevent anaemia and promote healthy blood cells.
They are high in unhealthy fats and low in essential nutrients. Explanation: Regular consumption of junk food contributes to obesity and nutrient deficiencies. For more please visit here:
They are high in unhealthy fats and low in essential nutrients.
Explanation: Regular consumption of junk food contributes to obesity and nutrient deficiencies.
What are energy-giving foods?
Carbohydrates and fats are considered energy-giving foods. Explanation: These nutrients provide the energy required for physical activities and bodily functions. For more please visit here:
Carbohydrates and fats are considered energy-giving foods.
Explanation: These nutrients provide the energy required for physical activities and bodily functions.
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What are the primary components of food?
The primary components are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Explanation: These components provide energy, help in body-building, and protect against diseases. For more please visit here:
The primary components are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals.
Explanation: These components provide energy, help in body-building, and protect against diseases.
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Why do we observe variety in food across different regions in India?
Different crops grow in different regions due to soil, climate, and cultural preferences. Explanation: Geographic and climatic diversity in India leads to varied crop cultivation, which influences traditional diets. For more please visit here: more
Different crops grow in different regions due to soil, climate, and cultural preferences.
Explanation: Geographic and climatic diversity in India leads to varied crop cultivation, which influences traditional diets.
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What is the meaning of annena jatani jivanti?
It means "food gives life to living beings." Explanation: This Sanskrit phrase highlights the importance of food in sustaining all forms of life. For more please visit here:
It means “food gives life to living beings.”
Explanation: This Sanskrit phrase highlights the importance of food in sustaining all forms of life.
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Why is food essential for living beings?
Food provides energy, supports growth, and protects the body from diseases. Explanation: Food is essential for survival because it supplies the nutrients needed for bodily functions, repair, and energy for daily activities. For more please visit here: more
Food provides energy, supports growth, and protects the body from diseases.
Explanation: Food is essential for survival because it supplies the nutrients needed for bodily functions, repair, and energy for daily activities.
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What is iodine used for in food?
Iodine prevents goitre by supporting thyroid function. Explanation: Adding iodine to salt helps prevent thyroid-related health issues. For more please visit here:
Iodine prevents goitre by supporting thyroid function.
Explanation: Adding iodine to salt helps prevent thyroid-related health issues.
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What causes goitre and how is it prevented?
Goitre is caused by an iodine deficiency and can be prevented by consuming iodised salt. Explanation: Iodine is essential for thyroid health, and fortified salt prevents goitre. For more please visit here:
Goitre is caused by an iodine deficiency and can be prevented by consuming iodised salt.
Explanation: Iodine is essential for thyroid health, and fortified salt prevents goitre.
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Why is it important to drink sufficient water?
Water aids digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste removal. Explanation: Water maintains bodily functions, keeps skin healthy, and supports digestion. For more please visit here:
Water aids digestion, nutrient absorption, and waste removal.
Explanation: Water maintains bodily functions, keeps skin healthy, and supports digestion.
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What foods are a good source of iron?
Green leafy vegetables and pomegranate. Explanation: Iron-rich foods prevent anaemia and promote healthy blood cells. For more please visit here:
Green leafy vegetables and pomegranate.
Explanation: Iron-rich foods prevent anaemia and promote healthy blood cells.
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Why should we avoid processed snacks and junk food?
They are high in unhealthy fats and low in essential nutrients. Explanation: Regular consumption of junk food contributes to obesity and nutrient deficiencies. For more please visit here:
They are high in unhealthy fats and low in essential nutrients.
Explanation: Regular consumption of junk food contributes to obesity and nutrient deficiencies.
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