In devices like MRI machines to create images of internal organs. Explanation: MRI uses strong magnetic fields to safely scan inside the body without surgery. For more please visit here:
In devices like MRI machines to create images of internal organs.
Explanation: MRI uses strong magnetic fields to safely scan inside the body without surgery.
Yes, placing a magnet near a compass causes deflection. Explanation: The compass needle reacts to the nearby magnetic field, changing its direction. For more please visit here:
Yes, placing a magnet near a compass causes deflection.
Explanation: The compass needle reacts to the nearby magnetic field, changing its direction.
They attract each other. Explanation: Opposite fields pull together due to their complementary magnetic forces. For more please visit here:
They attract each other.
Explanation: Opposite fields pull together due to their complementary magnetic forces.
They repel each other. Explanation: Similar magnetic fields push each other away, preventing like poles from attracting. For more please visit here:
They repel each other.
Explanation: Similar magnetic fields push each other away, preventing like poles from attracting.
Avoid dropping, heating, or hammering it, and store it with opposite poles together. Explanation: These practices maintain a magnet’s strength and prevent demagnetization. For more please visit here:
Avoid dropping, heating, or hammering it, and store it with opposite poles together.
Explanation: These practices maintain a magnet’s strength and prevent demagnetization.
It’s the region around a magnet where magnetic forces can be felt. Explanation: The field extends from a magnet and affects other magnetic materials within its range. For more please visit here:
It’s the region around a magnet where magnetic forces can be felt.
Explanation: The field extends from a magnet and affects other magnetic materials within its range.
Magnets attract metal objects, allowing separation from non-magnetic items. Explanation: This is useful in recycling, where magnets help sort materials. For more please visit here:
Magnets attract metal objects, allowing separation from non-magnetic items.
Explanation: This is useful in recycling, where magnets help sort materials.
Sources include nuts, seeds, butter, and oils. Explanation: Both plant-based and animal sources provide healthy fats needed by the body. For more please visit here:
Sources include nuts, seeds, butter, and oils.
Explanation: Both plant-based and animal sources provide healthy fats needed by the body.
Fats provide stored energy and help keep the body warm. Explanation: Fats are necessary for insulation, energy storage, and cellular functions. For more please visit here:
Fats provide stored energy and help keep the body warm.
Explanation: Fats are necessary for insulation, energy storage, and cellular functions.
Wheat, rice, potatoes, and fruits like bananas are rich in carbohydrates. Explanation: Carbohydrates are abundant in grains and starchy vegetables, making them a primary energy source. For more please visit here:
Wheat, rice, potatoes, and fruits like bananas are rich in carbohydrates.
Explanation: Carbohydrates are abundant in grains and starchy vegetables, making them a primary energy source.
How are magnets used in medicine?
In devices like MRI machines to create images of internal organs. Explanation: MRI uses strong magnetic fields to safely scan inside the body without surgery. For more please visit here:
In devices like MRI machines to create images of internal organs.
Explanation: MRI uses strong magnetic fields to safely scan inside the body without surgery.
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Can a compass needle be deflected by a magnet?
Yes, placing a magnet near a compass causes deflection. Explanation: The compass needle reacts to the nearby magnetic field, changing its direction. For more please visit here:
Yes, placing a magnet near a compass causes deflection.
Explanation: The compass needle reacts to the nearby magnetic field, changing its direction.
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How do opposite poles interact?
They attract each other. Explanation: Opposite fields pull together due to their complementary magnetic forces. For more please visit here:
They attract each other.
Explanation: Opposite fields pull together due to their complementary magnetic forces.
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How do like poles interact?
They repel each other. Explanation: Similar magnetic fields push each other away, preventing like poles from attracting. For more please visit here:
They repel each other.
Explanation: Similar magnetic fields push each other away, preventing like poles from attracting.
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How do you care for a magnet?
Avoid dropping, heating, or hammering it, and store it with opposite poles together. Explanation: These practices maintain a magnet’s strength and prevent demagnetization. For more please visit here:
Avoid dropping, heating, or hammering it, and store it with opposite poles together.
Explanation: These practices maintain a magnet’s strength and prevent demagnetization.
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What does the term magnetic field mean?
It’s the region around a magnet where magnetic forces can be felt. Explanation: The field extends from a magnet and affects other magnetic materials within its range. For more please visit here:
It’s the region around a magnet where magnetic forces can be felt.
Explanation: The field extends from a magnet and affects other magnetic materials within its range.
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How can magnets be used to separate metal objects from non-metal ones?
Magnets attract metal objects, allowing separation from non-magnetic items. Explanation: This is useful in recycling, where magnets help sort materials. For more please visit here:
Magnets attract metal objects, allowing separation from non-magnetic items.
Explanation: This is useful in recycling, where magnets help sort materials.
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What are some sources of fats?
Sources include nuts, seeds, butter, and oils. Explanation: Both plant-based and animal sources provide healthy fats needed by the body. For more please visit here:
Sources include nuts, seeds, butter, and oils.
Explanation: Both plant-based and animal sources provide healthy fats needed by the body.
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Why are fats essential for the body?
Fats provide stored energy and help keep the body warm. Explanation: Fats are necessary for insulation, energy storage, and cellular functions. For more please visit here:
Fats provide stored energy and help keep the body warm.
Explanation: Fats are necessary for insulation, energy storage, and cellular functions.
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Which foods are rich in carbohydrates?
Wheat, rice, potatoes, and fruits like bananas are rich in carbohydrates. Explanation: Carbohydrates are abundant in grains and starchy vegetables, making them a primary energy source. For more please visit here:
Wheat, rice, potatoes, and fruits like bananas are rich in carbohydrates.
Explanation: Carbohydrates are abundant in grains and starchy vegetables, making them a primary energy source.
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