They attract each other. Explanation: Opposite poles (North and South) attract due to the nature of magnetic forces. For more please visit here:
They attract each other.
Explanation: Opposite poles (North and South) attract due to the nature of magnetic forces.
It’s the force that pushes magnets apart when like poles face each other. Explanation: Repulsion occurs because similar magnetic poles repel each other due to their like magnetic fields. For more please visit here:
It’s the force that pushes magnets apart when like poles face each other.
Explanation: Repulsion occurs because similar magnetic poles repel each other due to their like magnetic fields.
It’s the force that pulls certain materials towards a magnet. Explanation: This force acts between a magnet and magnetic materials, causing them to be drawn together. For more please visit here:
It’s the force that pulls certain materials towards a magnet.
Explanation: This force acts between a magnet and magnetic materials, causing them to be drawn together.
Every piece of a magnet has both a North and South Pole. Explanation: Magnetic poles always occur in pairs; splitting a magnet only creates smaller magnets with both poles. For more please visit here:
Every piece of a magnet has both a North and South Pole.
Explanation: Magnetic poles always occur in pairs; splitting a magnet only creates smaller magnets with both poles.
It attracts the pin. Explanation: Steel is magnetic, so it is drawn to the magnet due to magnetic attraction. For more please visit here:
It attracts the pin.
Explanation: Steel is magnetic, so it is drawn to the magnet due to magnetic attraction.
Due to dropping, heating, or improper storage. Explanation: These actions misalign the particles within, weakening or erasing the magnetic field. For more please visit here:
Due to dropping, heating, or improper storage.
Explanation: These actions misalign the particles within, weakening or erasing the magnetic field.
The magnet only attracts the magnetic object. Explanation: Non-magnetic materials do not respond, leaving only magnetic items attracted. For more please visit here:
The magnet only attracts the magnetic object.
Explanation: Non-magnetic materials do not respond, leaving only magnetic items attracted.
They use magnetic repulsion and attraction to levitate and propel the train. Explanation: By reducing friction, Maglev trains achieve high speeds with magnetic technology. For more please visit here:
They use magnetic repulsion and attraction to levitate and propel the train.
Explanation: By reducing friction, Maglev trains achieve high speeds with magnetic technology.
Magnets can interfere with electronic devices and cause damage. Explanation: Magnetic fields can disrupt or damage the sensitive components of electronic devices. For more please visit here:
Magnets can interfere with electronic devices and cause damage.
Explanation: Magnetic fields can disrupt or damage the sensitive components of electronic devices.
Heating can weaken or demagnetize it. Explanation: High temperatures disrupt magnetic alignment, reducing magnetic strength. For more please visit here:
Heating can weaken or demagnetize it.
Explanation: High temperatures disrupt magnetic alignment, reducing magnetic strength.
What happens when opposite poles of two magnets are brought close?
They attract each other. Explanation: Opposite poles (North and South) attract due to the nature of magnetic forces. For more please visit here:
They attract each other.
Explanation: Opposite poles (North and South) attract due to the nature of magnetic forces.
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What is meant by magnetic repulsion?
It’s the force that pushes magnets apart when like poles face each other. Explanation: Repulsion occurs because similar magnetic poles repel each other due to their like magnetic fields. For more please visit here:
It’s the force that pushes magnets apart when like poles face each other.
Explanation: Repulsion occurs because similar magnetic poles repel each other due to their like magnetic fields.
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What is meant by magnetic attraction?
It’s the force that pulls certain materials towards a magnet. Explanation: This force acts between a magnet and magnetic materials, causing them to be drawn together. For more please visit here:
It’s the force that pulls certain materials towards a magnet.
Explanation: This force acts between a magnet and magnetic materials, causing them to be drawn together.
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Why cant we get a magnet with only one pole?
Every piece of a magnet has both a North and South Pole. Explanation: Magnetic poles always occur in pairs; splitting a magnet only creates smaller magnets with both poles. For more please visit here:
Every piece of a magnet has both a North and South Pole.
Explanation: Magnetic poles always occur in pairs; splitting a magnet only creates smaller magnets with both poles.
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What effect does a magnet have on a steel pin?
It attracts the pin. Explanation: Steel is magnetic, so it is drawn to the magnet due to magnetic attraction. For more please visit here:
It attracts the pin.
Explanation: Steel is magnetic, so it is drawn to the magnet due to magnetic attraction.
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Why does a magnet sometimes lose its magnetic properties?
Due to dropping, heating, or improper storage. Explanation: These actions misalign the particles within, weakening or erasing the magnetic field. For more please visit here:
Due to dropping, heating, or improper storage.
Explanation: These actions misalign the particles within, weakening or erasing the magnetic field.
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What happens if you place a magnetic and non-magnetic object together?
The magnet only attracts the magnetic object. Explanation: Non-magnetic materials do not respond, leaving only magnetic items attracted. For more please visit here:
The magnet only attracts the magnetic object.
Explanation: Non-magnetic materials do not respond, leaving only magnetic items attracted.
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How do Maglev trains use magnets?
They use magnetic repulsion and attraction to levitate and propel the train. Explanation: By reducing friction, Maglev trains achieve high speeds with magnetic technology. For more please visit here:
They use magnetic repulsion and attraction to levitate and propel the train.
Explanation: By reducing friction, Maglev trains achieve high speeds with magnetic technology.
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Why should magnets not be kept near electronics?
Magnets can interfere with electronic devices and cause damage. Explanation: Magnetic fields can disrupt or damage the sensitive components of electronic devices. For more please visit here:
Magnets can interfere with electronic devices and cause damage.
Explanation: Magnetic fields can disrupt or damage the sensitive components of electronic devices.
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What is the effect of heating on a magnet?
Heating can weaken or demagnetize it. Explanation: High temperatures disrupt magnetic alignment, reducing magnetic strength. For more please visit here:
Heating can weaken or demagnetize it.
Explanation: High temperatures disrupt magnetic alignment, reducing magnetic strength.
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