Food safety rules prevent contamination, ensuring hygiene and health. Washing hands, using clean utensils and storing food properly reduce risks of foodborne illnesses and maintain the freshness and quality of meals.
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 6 Project 6 Cooking without Fire question answer
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Grade 6 Project 6 Cooking without Fire solutions
Following food safety rules is crucial for preventing contamination and foodborne diseases. Washing hands before handling food eliminates germs. Using clean utensils and fresh ingredients ensures hygiene. Proper storage of perishable items prevents spoilage. Keeping raw and cooked food separate avoids cross-contamination. Following these guidelines maintains food quality, ensures health safety and reduces the risk of infections. Food safety practices contribute to a cleaner, healthier cooking and eating experience for everyone.