The term ‘vitamin’ was coined by Funk. Casimir Funk, a Polish biochemist, introduced the term in 1912 to describe essential organic compounds vital for human health.
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The term ‘vitamin’ was coined by Funk. Casimir Funk, a Polish biochemist, introduced the term in 1912 to describe essential organic compounds necessary for human health. Funk’s research focused on identifying and isolating these substances, initially referred to as “vital amines,” as they were believed to be nitrogen-containing compounds vital for life.
Although it was later discovered that not all vitamins were amines, Funk’s term ‘vitamin’ persisted and became widely adopted to describe these essential micronutrients. His pioneering work laid the foundation for the study of vitamins and their role in preventing deficiency diseases, leading to significant advancements in nutrition science and public health. Funk’s contributions revolutionized our understanding of the importance of vitamins in maintaining health and underscored their significance in human nutrition and well-being.