Venus is considered Earth’s twin due to its similar size, mass, and proximity to the Sun. Both planets have comparable compositions and densities. However, despite these similarities, Venus has a harsh environment with extreme temperatures and a thick, toxic atmosphere, making it vastly different from Earth in terms of habitability.
Venus is often referred to as Earth’s twin because of the striking similarities in size, mass, and composition between the two planets. Both are terrestrial planets with comparable densities and are relatively close in proximity to the Sun. However, despite these similarities, Venus has a vastly different environment. Its atmosphere is composed primarily of carbon dioxide, with clouds of sulfuric acid, leading to a runaway greenhouse effect that results in surface temperatures hot enough to melt lead. Additionally, Venus has a thick, oppressive atmosphere and intense surface pressure, making it an inhospitable world compared to Earth. Despite being Earth’s twin in size and structure, Venus is far from a twin in habitability.