A Gram Panchayat is the lowest level of the Panchayati Raj system, functioning at the village level. It is responsible for managing local affairs and ensuring the welfare of the village community, such as improving infrastructure, sanitation, education, and healthcare. The Gram Panchayat is made up of elected members, including the Sarpanch (head of the village), who represent the village people and make decisions on their behalf. It plays an important role in implementing government schemes and policies at the grassroots level. Through the Gram Panchayat, villagers have a direct say in their local governance and development.
This question related to Chapter 11 Social Science Class 6th NCERT.
From the Chapter 11. Grassroots Democracy — Part 2: Local Government in Rural Areas.
Give answer according to your understanding.
It is the lowest level of Panchayati Raj, representing a village or a group of villages.
Explanation: Members of the Gram Panchayat are elected by the Gram Sabha, which consists of adult voters from the village.
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