The Panchayati Raj system in India has three tiers: the Gram Panchayat, the Panchayat Samiti, and the Zila Parishad. The Gram Panchayat is the local level of governance, which works at the village level to address community issues like sanitation and local development. The Panchayat Samiti operates at the block level, coordinating the work of Gram Panchayats and focusing on broader issues like education and healthcare. The Zila Parishad, at the district level, oversees larger projects, manages resources, and supports both Gram Panchayats and Panchayat Samitis. These three tiers work together to promote local self-governance and development.
This question related to Chapter 11 Social Science Class 6th NCERT.
From the Chapter 11. Grassroots Democracy — Part 2: Local Government in Rural Areas.
Give answer according to your understanding.
The three tiers are Gram Panchayat (village level), Panchayat Samiti (block level), and Zila Parishad (district level).
Explanation: Each tier has specific responsibilities, ranging from local development to coordination at broader levels.
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The three tiers of the Panchayati Raj system in India are:
Gram Panchayat: The village level tier, where elected representatives called Panchayat Members govern a single village or a group of villages
Panchayat Samiti: The block level tier, where representatives are usually indirectly elected
Zila Parishad: The district level tier, where the District Collector heads the Zila Parishad
The Panchayati Raj system plays a vital role in local government development, including in areas such as:
health, women development, primary education, child development, women participation in local government, and agricultural development.
The 73rd Constitutional Amendment Act of 1992 constitutionalized the Panchayati Raj institutions. The Act also provides for the reservation of seats for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in every Panchayat.