The bird’s perception of its world evolved from a small, round, light blue environment inside the egg to a warm, straw nest. Eventually, it expanded to include the vast sky and earth, symbolizing growth and exploration.
Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter 2 What a Bird Thought
class 6 English Textbook Poorvi Unit 3 Chapter 2 question answer
This passage describes the bird’s evolving perception of its world throughout its early life.
1. Initial Perception:
The bird initially views its world as “small, round, and light blue,” symbolizing its life inside the egg. This limited perspective represents safety and confinement, highlighting the simplicity of its early existence.
2. Comfort and Security:
After hatching, the bird experiences a world that is “warm and comfortable,” made of straw. This reflects the nurturing environment of the nest, where it feels protected and cared for by its mother.
3. Limited Exploration:
While in the nest, the bird can only see leaves when it steps out, indicating a restricted view. This limited exposure signifies the bird’s naivety and its initial understanding of its surroundings.
4. Expansion of Perspective:
As the bird grows, its perception expands, and it eventually realizes that its world is “big,” incorporating the sky and the earth. This transition signifies maturity and a broader understanding of the world beyond its immediate surroundings, filled with possibilities and new experiences.
This progression reflects the journey of growth and discovery, illustrating how the bird transitions from a confined perspective to a more expansive view of the world as it gains experience and independence.
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