The greatest perimeter (1 × 32) is 66 cm, and the least (4 × 8) is 24 cm. Compact shapes like squares minimize perimeters, while elongated rectangles maximize them for any given area.
class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 6 question answer
class 6 Mathematics Chapter 6 Perimeter and Area solutions
For an area of 32 square cm, the rectangle with dimensions 1 × 32 has the greatest perimeter of 66 cm, while the one with 4 × 8 has the least perimeter of 24 cm. Compact shapes, such as squares or near-squares, minimize perimeter because the sides are balanced. Elongated shapes, with one very long and one short side, maximize perimeter. Thus, the more balanced the dimensions, the smaller the perimeter for a fixed area.
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