The property that makes metals suitable for jewelry is their lustrous appearance, which gives them a shiny and attractive look. Metals like gold, silver, and platinum are also malleable, meaning they can be easily shaped into various designs, and ductile, ...
Tiwari Academy Discussion Latest Questions
Water is essential for the body because it helps in many vital functions. It aids in digestion, helps transport nutrients and oxygen to cells, and removes waste products through urine. Water also helps in regulating body temperature by sweating and ...
Materials that can mix completely with water are called soluble materials. When these materials are added to water, they dissolve and spread evenly throughout the liquid, forming a solution. For example, salt and sugar are soluble in water. When you ...
Solubility is the ability of a substance to dissolve in a liquid, usually water, to form a solution. When a substance dissolves, it spreads out evenly within the liquid, becoming a part of it. For example, salt dissolves in water, ...
Grouping materials by properties like transparency helps us understand their characteristics and choose the right material for specific uses. For example, transparent materials are ideal for windows because they allow light to pass through, while opaque materials are used for ...
Opaque materials are substances that do not allow light to pass through them. When light strikes an opaque material, it either gets absorbed or reflected, but you cannot see through it. For example, wood, stone, and metal are opaque materials. ...
Transparent materials are substances that allow light to pass through them easily, so you can see objects clearly through them. For example, glass and water are transparent materials. When you look through a transparent material, the image on the other ...
No, not all shiny materials are metals. While metals like gold, silver, and iron are known for their shiny appearance, other non-metal materials can also be shiny. For example, glass and some plastics can be shiny depending on how they ...
Lustre refers to the way light reflects off the surface of a material, giving it a shiny appearance. Materials with a high lustre, like metals (e.g., gold or silver), look shiny and glossy. On the other hand, materials with low ...
An example of classification based on hardness is the division of materials into hard and soft categories. For example, diamond is a very hard material, often used in cutting tools, while rubber is a soft material, used for making flexible ...