This is a story about a clever fox named Reynard and Mr. Raven. One day, Reynard tricked the proud Raven into dropping his food. Learning from this, the Raven outsmarts Reynard next time. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit I Fables and ...
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The Fox addresses the Raven as “Sir” to flatter and manipulate him into singing. This deceitful tactic aims to make the Raven drop his food. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit I Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 English Poorvi Unit I Chapter ...
It is not wise to be too proud of oneself. In “The Raven and the Fox,” the story illustrates how excessive pride can lead to foolish mistakes and unexpected consequences. class 6 English Textbook Poorvi chapter 2 question answer class 6 English ...
The Raven and the Fox live in the woods. This setting is typical for fables, where animals interact, teaching moral lessons through their behaviors and actions. Class 6 English Poorvi Unit I Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 English Poorvi Unit I ...
The fox is commonly shown to be cunning in stories. Known for its cleverness and trickery, the fox often outwits other characters to achieve its goals, as seen in various fables and folktales. Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit I Chapter ...