The stethoscope works on the principle of reflection of sound. It consists of a chest piece that captures sound waves produced by the heart or lungs. These waves travel through a tube to earpieces, where they are heard by the ...
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Sound waves produce echo due to reflection. When sound waves encounter a large and hard surface, such as a wall or cliff, they bounce back towards the source instead of passing through or bending (refraction and diffraction). This reflection causes ...
Asked: In: Class 10 Science
CBSE class 10 Science sample question paper 2023-2024 with solutions
Asked: In: Class 10 Science
CBSE Science Class 10 Sample Question Paper 2023-2024 download with Solutions
Mayur Arya
Asked: In: Class 10 Science
CBSE sample question paper class 10 science with answer key 2023-2024