Nādanusandhāna, or sound meditation, involves focusing on sound vibrations like “A,” “U,” “M” or “Om.” It fosters mindfulness, deep relaxation, and spiritual growth by aligning the practitioner’s awareness with resonating sounds. Answer: (B) Nādanusandhāna class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter ...
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Tapas, a Niyama principle, inspires self-discipline and perseverance. It encourages consistent effort and commitment to personal goals, fostering physical and mental strength for overcoming challenges and achieving growth. Answer: (A) Self-discipline class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 5 Dharana, Dhyana, ...
Relaxation in Yoga relieves physical and mental tension, allowing the body to recover and the mind to calm. It prepares practitioners for meditation and enhances the overall benefits of Yoga practice. Answer: (B) Reduces tension and calms the mind class 6 ...
Nadisuddhi Pranayama, or alternate nostril breathing, balances and cleanses energy channels. This practice calms the mind, reduces stress and enhances emotional stability, promoting physical and mental harmony. Answer: (B) Cleanses energy channels class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter 4 ...
Brahmacharya, a Yama principle, emphasizes self-control and moderation. It involves conserving energy by avoiding overindulgence and directing focus toward personal and spiritual growth, fostering balance and mindfulness. Answer: (C) Self-control class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter 4 Pranayam question ...