When two loudspeakers are played simultaneously and a listener sitting at a particular place cannot hear their sound, the reason is interference (Option B). This occurs due to the phenomenon known as destructive interference. When sound waves from the two loudspeakers meet at a point where they areRead more
When two loudspeakers are played simultaneously and a listener sitting at a particular place cannot hear their sound, the reason is interference (Option B). This occurs due to the phenomenon known as destructive interference. When sound waves from the two loudspeakers meet at a point where they are out of phase, meaning the crest of one wave coincides with the trough of another, they effectively cancel each other out. This results in a reduction or complete elimination of sound at that specific location. Destructive interference happens because sound waves are coherent and can add together or subtract from one another depending on their phase relationship. At points of destructive interference, the sound intensity drops significantly, creating zones of silence or reduced sound that the listener experiences. This principle of interference is key in understanding various acoustic phenomena and is widely studied in the field of wave mechanics.
Tuning a radio station is an example of resonance (Option B). Radios use tuning circuits made of inductors and capacitors that can be adjusted to resonate at specific frequencies. When you turn the tuning knob on a radio, you are modifying the circuit's resonant frequency to match the frequency of tRead more
Tuning a radio station is an example of resonance (Option B). Radios use tuning circuits made of inductors and capacitors that can be adjusted to resonate at specific frequencies. When you turn the tuning knob on a radio, you are modifying the circuit’s resonant frequency to match the frequency of the desired radio station’s broadcast signal. Resonance occurs when the circuit’s natural frequency aligns with the incoming signal’s frequency, resulting in maximum energy transfer. This amplification allows the radio to isolate and enhance the selected station’s signal, providing clear audio reception while filtering out other signals. The ability to adjust the resonant frequency is crucial for selectively tuning into different radio stations, each broadcasting at its own distinct frequency. This principle of resonance is fundamental in radio technology, making it possible to listen to a variety of broadcasts by simply adjusting the tuning mechanism.
The special sound we hear as a jug gets filled with water is due to resonance (Option C). As water fills the jug, the volume of the air column inside the jug decreases, continuously changing its natural frequency. This varying air column length means that at different points during the filling proceRead more
The special sound we hear as a jug gets filled with water is due to resonance (Option C). As water fills the jug, the volume of the air column inside the jug decreases, continuously changing its natural frequency. This varying air column length means that at different points during the filling process, the natural frequency of the air column will momentarily match the frequency of the sound waves created by the filling water. When this happens, resonance occurs, which amplifies the sound waves. This amplified sound is what we hear as the distinctive noise associated with the filling jug. The phenomenon of resonance here results in the sound waves being significantly enhanced at specific frequencies, creating a noticeable change in pitch and volume as the jug continues to fill. This principle of resonance demonstrates how sound can interact with physical structures to produce distinct auditory effects.
If Tansen's singing could break window panes or glass glasses, it would be due to resonance (Option C). Resonance occurs when an object is exposed to sound waves that match its natural frequency. In this case, the glass has a specific natural frequency at which it vibrates. When Tansen sang at a pitRead more
If Tansen’s singing could break window panes or glass glasses, it would be due to resonance (Option C). Resonance occurs when an object is exposed to sound waves that match its natural frequency. In this case, the glass has a specific natural frequency at which it vibrates. When Tansen sang at a pitch that matched this frequency, the sound waves would cause the glass to vibrate at its natural resonant frequency. This would result in the vibrations being amplified significantly. If the amplitude of these vibrations became too great, the structural integrity of the glass could be compromised, leading to it shattering. This phenomenon is a powerful demonstration of resonance, where even small initial vibrations can build up to destructive levels if the driving frequency matches the natural frequency of the material.
We listen to programs of different stations by turning the knob of the radio due to resonance (Option A). Radios operate by tuning circuits, which consist of inductors and capacitors that can be adjusted to resonate at specific frequencies. When we turn the knob, we are changing the inductance or caRead more
We listen to programs of different stations by turning the knob of the radio due to resonance (Option A). Radios operate by tuning circuits, which consist of inductors and capacitors that can be adjusted to resonate at specific frequencies. When we turn the knob, we are changing the inductance or capacitance, thereby altering the resonant frequency of the circuit. This adjustment allows the radio to select and amplify the electromagnetic waves from a particular station’s broadcast frequency while ignoring others. Resonance occurs when the circuit’s natural frequency matches the frequency of the incoming radio signal, resulting in maximum energy transfer and a clear signal reception. This principle is fundamental in radio technology, as it enables the selective tuning to different broadcast signals, ensuring that we can listen to various stations by simply adjusting the tuning knob to match the desired frequency.
When two loudspeakers are played simultaneously at a place, then the listener sitting at a particular place cannot hear their sound, the reason for this is
When two loudspeakers are played simultaneously and a listener sitting at a particular place cannot hear their sound, the reason is interference (Option B). This occurs due to the phenomenon known as destructive interference. When sound waves from the two loudspeakers meet at a point where they areRead more
When two loudspeakers are played simultaneously and a listener sitting at a particular place cannot hear their sound, the reason is interference (Option B). This occurs due to the phenomenon known as destructive interference. When sound waves from the two loudspeakers meet at a point where they are out of phase, meaning the crest of one wave coincides with the trough of another, they effectively cancel each other out. This results in a reduction or complete elimination of sound at that specific location. Destructive interference happens because sound waves are coherent and can add together or subtract from one another depending on their phase relationship. At points of destructive interference, the sound intensity drops significantly, creating zones of silence or reduced sound that the listener experiences. This principle of interference is key in understanding various acoustic phenomena and is widely studied in the field of wave mechanics.
See lessTuning station of radio is an example of
Tuning a radio station is an example of resonance (Option B). Radios use tuning circuits made of inductors and capacitors that can be adjusted to resonate at specific frequencies. When you turn the tuning knob on a radio, you are modifying the circuit's resonant frequency to match the frequency of tRead more
Tuning a radio station is an example of resonance (Option B). Radios use tuning circuits made of inductors and capacitors that can be adjusted to resonate at specific frequencies. When you turn the tuning knob on a radio, you are modifying the circuit’s resonant frequency to match the frequency of the desired radio station’s broadcast signal. Resonance occurs when the circuit’s natural frequency aligns with the incoming signal’s frequency, resulting in maximum energy transfer. This amplification allows the radio to isolate and enhance the selected station’s signal, providing clear audio reception while filtering out other signals. The ability to adjust the resonant frequency is crucial for selectively tuning into different radio stations, each broadcasting at its own distinct frequency. This principle of resonance is fundamental in radio technology, making it possible to listen to a variety of broadcasts by simply adjusting the tuning mechanism.
See lessWhen we keep a jug under water to fill it, we hear a special kind of sound as the jug gets filled. Its reason is
The special sound we hear as a jug gets filled with water is due to resonance (Option C). As water fills the jug, the volume of the air column inside the jug decreases, continuously changing its natural frequency. This varying air column length means that at different points during the filling proceRead more
The special sound we hear as a jug gets filled with water is due to resonance (Option C). As water fills the jug, the volume of the air column inside the jug decreases, continuously changing its natural frequency. This varying air column length means that at different points during the filling process, the natural frequency of the air column will momentarily match the frequency of the sound waves created by the filling water. When this happens, resonance occurs, which amplifies the sound waves. This amplified sound is what we hear as the distinctive noise associated with the filling jug. The phenomenon of resonance here results in the sound waves being significantly enhanced at specific frequencies, creating a noticeable change in pitch and volume as the jug continues to fill. This principle of resonance demonstrates how sound can interact with physical structures to produce distinct auditory effects.
See lessIt is said that when Tansen sang, the window panes or glass glasses would break into pieces. If this were possible, what property of sound would cause it?
If Tansen's singing could break window panes or glass glasses, it would be due to resonance (Option C). Resonance occurs when an object is exposed to sound waves that match its natural frequency. In this case, the glass has a specific natural frequency at which it vibrates. When Tansen sang at a pitRead more
If Tansen’s singing could break window panes or glass glasses, it would be due to resonance (Option C). Resonance occurs when an object is exposed to sound waves that match its natural frequency. In this case, the glass has a specific natural frequency at which it vibrates. When Tansen sang at a pitch that matched this frequency, the sound waves would cause the glass to vibrate at its natural resonant frequency. This would result in the vibrations being amplified significantly. If the amplitude of these vibrations became too great, the structural integrity of the glass could be compromised, leading to it shattering. This phenomenon is a powerful demonstration of resonance, where even small initial vibrations can build up to destructive levels if the driving frequency matches the natural frequency of the material.
See lessWe listen to programs of different stations by turning the knob of the radio. This is possible
We listen to programs of different stations by turning the knob of the radio due to resonance (Option A). Radios operate by tuning circuits, which consist of inductors and capacitors that can be adjusted to resonate at specific frequencies. When we turn the knob, we are changing the inductance or caRead more
We listen to programs of different stations by turning the knob of the radio due to resonance (Option A). Radios operate by tuning circuits, which consist of inductors and capacitors that can be adjusted to resonate at specific frequencies. When we turn the knob, we are changing the inductance or capacitance, thereby altering the resonant frequency of the circuit. This adjustment allows the radio to select and amplify the electromagnetic waves from a particular station’s broadcast frequency while ignoring others. Resonance occurs when the circuit’s natural frequency matches the frequency of the incoming radio signal, resulting in maximum energy transfer and a clear signal reception. This principle is fundamental in radio technology, as it enables the selective tuning to different broadcast signals, ensuring that we can listen to various stations by simply adjusting the tuning knob to match the desired frequency.
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