According to the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, all terms in a physically meaningful equation must have the same dimensions. This question related to Chapter 1 physics Class 11th NCERT. From the Chapter 1. Units and Measurements. Give answer according to your understanding. For more pleaseRead more
According to the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, all terms in a physically meaningful equation must have the same dimensions. This question related to Chapter 1 physics Class 11th NCERT. From the Chapter 1. Units and Measurements. Give answer according to your understanding.
The two types of errors are: 1. Systematic Errors - Occur due to defective instruments or incorrect calibration. 2. Random Errors - Arise from unpredictable fluctuations during measurements. For more please visit here:
The two types of errors are:
1. Systematic Errors – Occur due to defective instruments or incorrect calibration.
2. Random Errors – Arise from unpredictable fluctuations during measurements.
The dimensional formula expresses a physical quantity in terms of the base dimensions M (mass), L (length), T (time), etc. For example, velocity's dimensional formula is [š^0L^1T^-1]. For more please visit here:
The dimensional formula expresses a physical quantity in terms of the base dimensions M (mass), L (length), T (time), etc. For example, velocity’s dimensional formula is [š^0L^1T^-1].
Systematic errors occur due to flaws in instruments or experimental design and are consistent in nature. For more please visit here:
Systematic errors occur due to flaws in instruments or experimental design and are consistent in nature.
The speed of light in a vacuum is 299, 792, 458 m/s. For more please visit here:
The speed of light in a vacuum is 299, 792, 458 m/s.
They ensure the reliability of results during addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For more please visit here:
They ensure the reliability of results during addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
The two supplementary quantities are plane angle (radian) and solid angle (steradian). For more please visit here:
The two supplementary quantities are plane angle (radian) and solid angle (steradian).
A unit is a standard quantity in terms of which other quantities are measured. For more please visit here:
A unit is a standard quantity in terms of which other quantities are measured.
For a screw gauge, least count = Pitch/NumberĀ ofĀ divisionsĀ onĀ theĀ circularĀ scale. For more please visit here:
For a screw gauge, least count = Pitch/NumberĀ ofĀ divisionsĀ onĀ theĀ circularĀ scale.
State the principle of homogeneity of dimensions.
According to the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, all terms in a physically meaningful equation must have the same dimensions. This question related to Chapter 1 physics Class 11th NCERT. From the Chapter 1. Units and Measurements. Give answer according to your understanding. For more pleaseRead more
According to the principle of homogeneity of dimensions, all terms in a physically meaningful equation must have the same dimensions. This question related to Chapter 1 physics Class 11th NCERT. From the Chapter 1. Units and Measurements. Give answer according to your understanding.
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What are the two types of errors in measurements?
The two types of errors are: 1. Systematic Errors - Occur due to defective instruments or incorrect calibration. 2. Random Errors - Arise from unpredictable fluctuations during measurements. For more please visit here:
The two types of errors are:
1. Systematic Errors – Occur due to defective instruments or incorrect calibration.
2. Random Errors – Arise from unpredictable fluctuations during measurements.
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Define dimensional formula.
The dimensional formula expresses a physical quantity in terms of the base dimensions M (mass), L (length), T (time), etc. For example, velocity's dimensional formula is [š^0L^1T^-1]. For more please visit here:
The dimensional formula expresses a physical quantity in terms of the base dimensions M (mass), L (length), T (time), etc. For example, velocity’s dimensional formula is [š^0L^1T^-1].
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Explain systematic errors.
Systematic errors occur due to flaws in instruments or experimental design and are consistent in nature. For more please visit here:
Systematic errors occur due to flaws in instruments or experimental design and are consistent in nature.
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How is the speed of light defined in terms of SI?
The speed of light in a vacuum is 299, 792, 458 m/s. For more please visit here:
The speed of light in a vacuum is 299, 792, 458 m/s.
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What is the use of significant figures in calculations?
They ensure the reliability of results during addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. For more please visit here:
They ensure the reliability of results during addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
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What are supplementary quantities in SI?
The two supplementary quantities are plane angle (radian) and solid angle (steradian). For more please visit here:
The two supplementary quantities are plane angle (radian) and solid angle (steradian).
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What is a unit?
A unit is a standard quantity in terms of which other quantities are measured. For more please visit here:
A unit is a standard quantity in terms of which other quantities are measured.
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State the least count of a screw gauge.
For a screw gauge, least count = Pitch/NumberĀ ofĀ divisionsĀ onĀ theĀ circularĀ scale. For more please visit here:
For a screw gauge, least count = Pitch/NumberĀ ofĀ divisionsĀ onĀ theĀ circularĀ scale.
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What is the dimensional formula for power?
Dimensions of power = [š^1šæ^2š^ā3]. For more please visit here:
Dimensions of power = [š^1šæ^2š^ā3].
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