The word `Yoga` comes from the Sanskrit root `yuj,` which means to join or unite. That's why we can say that option 3 is the correct answer. For more please visit here:
The word `Yoga` comes from the Sanskrit root `yuj,` which means to join or unite. That’s why we can say that option 3 is the correct answer.
The poet uses phrases like `cold grass aches our feet` to show their exhaustion. Therefore option 1 is the correct option. For more please visit here:
The poet uses phrases like `cold grass aches our feet` to show their exhaustion. Therefore option 1 is the correct option.
The poem indicates a sense of melancholy as the children stop playing when night comes. Therefore option 3 is correct. For more please visit here:
The poem indicates a sense of melancholy as the children stop playing when night comes. Therefore option 3 is correct.
Prabhat felt uneasy because he won by cheating. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Prabhat felt uneasy because he won by cheating. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
Surya did not care much about losing and casually suggested playing again. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Surya did not care much about losing and casually suggested playing again. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question.
Prabhat cheated by changing the scoreboard when Surya wasn’t paying attention. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Prabhat cheated by changing the scoreboard when Surya wasn’t paying attention. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
Surya, a new student, was chosen to play against Prabhat in a badminton match. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Surya, a new student, was chosen to play against Prabhat in a badminton match. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question.
Yoga involves breathing techniques and meditation, which help calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. Therefore option 2 is the correct explanation of the question. For more please visit here:
Yoga involves breathing techniques and meditation, which help calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. Therefore option 2 is the correct explanation of the question.
Yoga helps stretch and strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and improve overall physical fitness. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Yoga helps stretch and strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and improve overall physical fitness. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
June 21st is celebrated as International Yoga Day. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
June 21st is celebrated as International Yoga Day. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question.
What does the word Yoga mean in Sanskrit?
The word `Yoga` comes from the Sanskrit root `yuj,` which means to join or unite. That's why we can say that option 3 is the correct answer. For more please visit here:
The word `Yoga` comes from the Sanskrit root `yuj,` which means to join or unite. That’s why we can say that option 3 is the correct answer.
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How does the poet emphasize the children’s exhaustion from playing?
The poet uses phrases like `cold grass aches our feet` to show their exhaustion. Therefore option 1 is the correct option. For more please visit here:
The poet uses phrases like `cold grass aches our feet` to show their exhaustion. Therefore option 1 is the correct option.
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What emotion is most likely felt by the children at the end of their playtime?
The poem indicates a sense of melancholy as the children stop playing when night comes. Therefore option 3 is correct. For more please visit here:
The poem indicates a sense of melancholy as the children stop playing when night comes. Therefore option 3 is correct.
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Why couldn`t Prabhat sleep well the night after winning the match?
Prabhat felt uneasy because he won by cheating. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Prabhat felt uneasy because he won by cheating. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
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What was Surya`s reaction to losing the badminton match?
Surya did not care much about losing and casually suggested playing again. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Surya did not care much about losing and casually suggested playing again. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question.
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How did Prabhat manage to win the badminton match against Surya?
Prabhat cheated by changing the scoreboard when Surya wasn’t paying attention. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Prabhat cheated by changing the scoreboard when Surya wasn’t paying attention. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
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Who was Prabhat’s opponent in the badminton match?
Surya, a new student, was chosen to play against Prabhat in a badminton match. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Surya, a new student, was chosen to play against Prabhat in a badminton match. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question.
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How does yoga help in reducing stress and anxiety?
Yoga involves breathing techniques and meditation, which help calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. Therefore option 2 is the correct explanation of the question. For more please visit here:
Yoga involves breathing techniques and meditation, which help calm the mind and reduce stress and anxiety. Therefore option 2 is the correct explanation of the question.
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What are some of the physical benefits of yoga mentioned in the text?
Yoga helps stretch and strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and improve overall physical fitness. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Yoga helps stretch and strengthen muscles, increase flexibility, and improve overall physical fitness. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
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Which date is celebrated as International Yoga Day?
June 21st is celebrated as International Yoga Day. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
June 21st is celebrated as International Yoga Day. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer of the question.
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