The passage advises everyone to work hard to ensure Bharat’s continued prosperity. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The passage advises everyone to work hard to ensure Bharat’s continued prosperity. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
The passage emphasizes how Bharat's people live together in harmony, showcasing unity in diversity. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer. For more please visit here:
The passage emphasizes how Bharat’s people live together in harmony, showcasing unity in diversity. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer.
The passage mentions Bharat’s rich natural resources, including rivers, lakes, and mountains. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The passage mentions Bharat’s rich natural resources, including rivers, lakes, and mountains. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
Regular practice of yoga can lead to improved concentration and mental clarity over time. Therefore option 3 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Regular practice of yoga can lead to improved concentration and mental clarity over time. Therefore option 3 is correct answer.
Yoga asanas should be coordinated with breath and awareness for a holistic practice. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of question. For more please visit here:
Yoga asanas should be coordinated with breath and awareness for a holistic practice. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of question.
As it gets dark, the trees appear to creep closer, indicating the end of the day. Therefore option 3 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
As it gets dark, the trees appear to creep closer, indicating the end of the day. Therefore option 3 is correct answer.
The poem shows how nature provides a setting for play and dictates the time for it. Therefore option 3 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The poem shows how nature provides a setting for play and dictates the time for it. Therefore option 3 is correct answer.
The darkness makes it difficult to continue playing, so the children stop. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The darkness makes it difficult to continue playing, so the children stop. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question.
The night `wins` as the children stop playing when it gets dark. Therefore option 2 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The night `wins` as the children stop playing when it gets dark. Therefore option 2 is correct answer of the question.
The title reflects the idea that night wins over the day, ending the children`s playtime. So option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The title reflects the idea that night wins over the day, ending the children`s playtime. So option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
What advice is given to the inhabitants of Bharat?
The passage advises everyone to work hard to ensure Bharat’s continued prosperity. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The passage advises everyone to work hard to ensure Bharat’s continued prosperity. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
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What is special about the people of Bharat living in unison?
The passage emphasizes how Bharat's people live together in harmony, showcasing unity in diversity. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer. For more please visit here:
The passage emphasizes how Bharat’s people live together in harmony, showcasing unity in diversity. Therefore option 3 is the correct answer.
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Which geographical features are mentioned in the passage?
The passage mentions Bharat’s rich natural resources, including rivers, lakes, and mountains. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The passage mentions Bharat’s rich natural resources, including rivers, lakes, and mountains. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
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What is a long-term effect of practicing yoga mentioned in the passage?
Regular practice of yoga can lead to improved concentration and mental clarity over time. Therefore option 3 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
Regular practice of yoga can lead to improved concentration and mental clarity over time. Therefore option 3 is correct answer.
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What does the practice of yoga asanas require besides physical movement?
Yoga asanas should be coordinated with breath and awareness for a holistic practice. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of question. For more please visit here:
Yoga asanas should be coordinated with breath and awareness for a holistic practice. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of question.
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What does trees creep close signify in the poem?
As it gets dark, the trees appear to creep closer, indicating the end of the day. Therefore option 3 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
As it gets dark, the trees appear to creep closer, indicating the end of the day. Therefore option 3 is correct answer.
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What does the poem suggest about the relationship between nature and play?
The poem shows how nature provides a setting for play and dictates the time for it. Therefore option 3 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The poem shows how nature provides a setting for play and dictates the time for it. Therefore option 3 is correct answer.
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Why do the children stop playing when night falls?
The darkness makes it difficult to continue playing, so the children stop. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The darkness makes it difficult to continue playing, so the children stop. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question.
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What is the final outcome at the end of the poem?
The night `wins` as the children stop playing when it gets dark. Therefore option 2 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The night `wins` as the children stop playing when it gets dark. Therefore option 2 is correct answer of the question.
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What is the significance of the title The Winner?
The title reflects the idea that night wins over the day, ending the children`s playtime. So option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The title reflects the idea that night wins over the day, ending the children`s playtime. So option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
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