The poem describes a wind-whipped sky, perfect for flying kites. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The poem describes a wind-whipped sky, perfect for flying kites. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
The child imagines how fun it would be to look down from the kite over the park and rooftops. That'swhy we can say that option 1 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The child imagines how fun it would be to look down from the kite over the park and rooftops. That’swhy we can say that option 1 is correct answer.
The child wishes to be light as air to climb on a kite and sail up in the sky. Therefore option 3 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The child wishes to be light as air to climb on a kite and sail up in the sky. Therefore option 3 is correct answer.
The poem compares the kites to colored birds flying in the sky. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The poem compares the kites to colored birds flying in the sky. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question.
The National War Memorial was built to honor the sacrifice and bravery of India’s soldiers. So we can say that option 2 is correct. For more please visit here:
The National War Memorial was built to honor the sacrifice and bravery of India’s soldiers. So we can say that option 2 is correct.
Kondapalli toys from Andhra Pradesh are made from softwood and are known for their colorful designs. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Kondapalli toys from Andhra Pradesh are made from softwood and are known for their colorful designs. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question.
Kerala is famous for its biodegradable coconut shell crafts, used to make household items. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Kerala is famous for its biodegradable coconut shell crafts, used to make household items. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
Dhokra art involves making a figure with clay, covering it with wax, and then casting it in brass, So we can say that option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Dhokra art involves making a figure with clay, covering it with wax, and then casting it in brass, So we can say that option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
Aipan is a traditional folk art in Uttarakhand, often drawn during family functions and festivals. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Aipan is a traditional folk art in Uttarakhand, often drawn during family functions and festivals. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question.
The programme aims to celebrate unity in diversity among different states of India. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer. For more please visit here:
The programme aims to celebrate unity in diversity among different states of India. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer.
What is the weather like in the poem?
The poem describes a wind-whipped sky, perfect for flying kites. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The poem describes a wind-whipped sky, perfect for flying kites. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
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Why does the child want to climb on a kite?
The child imagines how fun it would be to look down from the kite over the park and rooftops. That'swhy we can say that option 1 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The child imagines how fun it would be to look down from the kite over the park and rooftops. That’swhy we can say that option 1 is correct answer.
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What does the child wish to be like in the poem?
The child wishes to be light as air to climb on a kite and sail up in the sky. Therefore option 3 is correct answer. For more please visit here:
The child wishes to be light as air to climb on a kite and sail up in the sky. Therefore option 3 is correct answer.
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What do kites look like according to the poem?
The poem compares the kites to colored birds flying in the sky. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
The poem compares the kites to colored birds flying in the sky. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question.
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Why is the National War Memorial important?
The National War Memorial was built to honor the sacrifice and bravery of India’s soldiers. So we can say that option 2 is correct. For more please visit here:
The National War Memorial was built to honor the sacrifice and bravery of India’s soldiers. So we can say that option 2 is correct.
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What are the Kondapalli toys made of?
Kondapalli toys from Andhra Pradesh are made from softwood and are known for their colorful designs. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Kondapalli toys from Andhra Pradesh are made from softwood and are known for their colorful designs. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question.
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Which state is known for its coconut shell craft?
Kerala is famous for its biodegradable coconut shell crafts, used to make household items. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Kerala is famous for its biodegradable coconut shell crafts, used to make household items. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
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What materials are used in the Dhokra art from Odisha?
Dhokra art involves making a figure with clay, covering it with wax, and then casting it in brass, So we can say that option 2 is the correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Dhokra art involves making a figure with clay, covering it with wax, and then casting it in brass, So we can say that option 2 is the correct answer of the question.
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What is Aipan in Uttarakhand known for?
Aipan is a traditional folk art in Uttarakhand, often drawn during family functions and festivals. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question. For more please visit here:
Aipan is a traditional folk art in Uttarakhand, often drawn during family functions and festivals. Therefore option 3 is correct answer of the question.
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What is the ‘Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat’ programme about?
The programme aims to celebrate unity in diversity among different states of India. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer. For more please visit here:
The programme aims to celebrate unity in diversity among different states of India. Therefore option 2 is the correct answer.
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