It condenses into liquid water. Explanation: When water vapor loses energy, it returns to a liquid state, forming droplets. For more please visit here:
It condenses into liquid water.
Explanation: When water vapor loses energy, it returns to a liquid state, forming droplets.
High humidity means more water vapor is available to form clouds. Explanation: Moist air provides the water vapor needed for condensation and cloud formation. For more please visit here:
High humidity means more water vapor is available to form clouds.
Explanation: Moist air provides the water vapor needed for condensation and cloud formation.
By cooling it, which causes condensation. Explanation: Cooling water vapor reduces energy, changing it back into liquid droplets. For more please visit here:
By cooling it, which causes condensation.
Explanation: Cooling water vapor reduces energy, changing it back into liquid droplets.
Through condensation in cold air, forming ice crystals. Explanation: In very cold temperatures, water vapor freezes directly into ice crystals, creating snow.' For more please visit here:
Through condensation in cold air, forming ice crystals.
Explanation: In very cold temperatures, water vapor freezes directly into ice crystals, creating snow.’
The pots keep water cool through evaporation. Explanation: Water seeps through tiny pores in the pot and evaporates, cooling the remaining water. For more please visit here:
The pots keep water cool through evaporation.
Explanation: Water seeps through tiny pores in the pot and evaporates, cooling the remaining water.
The mirror cools the vapor, turning it into droplets. Explanation: The mirror’s cool surface provides a place for vapor to condense, forming mist on the glass. For more please visit here:
The mirror cools the vapor, turning it into droplets.
Explanation: The mirror’s cool surface provides a place for vapor to condense, forming mist on the glass.
From condensed water droplets in clouds. Explanation: When droplets in clouds combine and grow heavy, they fall as rain. For more please visit here:
From condensed water droplets in clouds.
Explanation: When droplets in clouds combine and grow heavy, they fall as rain.
It turns water vapor into droplets, forming clouds. Explanation: As warm air rises and cools, water vapor condenses around particles, forming clouds. For more please visit here:
It turns water vapor into droplets, forming clouds.
Explanation: As warm air rises and cools, water vapor condenses around particles, forming clouds.
Sunlight provides heat, speeding up evaporation. Explanation: The heat causes water in the clothes to evaporate more quickly than in the shade. For more please visit here:
Sunlight provides heat, speeding up evaporation.
Explanation: The heat causes water in the clothes to evaporate more quickly than in the shade.
Sublimation. Explanation: Sublimation occurs when solid water (ice) changes directly to gas without becoming liquid. For more please visit here:
Explanation: Sublimation occurs when solid water (ice) changes directly to gas without becoming liquid.
What happens to water vapor when it cools?
It condenses into liquid water. Explanation: When water vapor loses energy, it returns to a liquid state, forming droplets. For more please visit here:
It condenses into liquid water.
Explanation: When water vapor loses energy, it returns to a liquid state, forming droplets.
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Why are clouds more common in humid areas?
High humidity means more water vapor is available to form clouds. Explanation: Moist air provides the water vapor needed for condensation and cloud formation. For more please visit here:
High humidity means more water vapor is available to form clouds.
Explanation: Moist air provides the water vapor needed for condensation and cloud formation.
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How can water vapor be turned back into water?
By cooling it, which causes condensation. Explanation: Cooling water vapor reduces energy, changing it back into liquid droplets. For more please visit here:
By cooling it, which causes condensation.
Explanation: Cooling water vapor reduces energy, changing it back into liquid droplets.
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How is snow formed?
Through condensation in cold air, forming ice crystals. Explanation: In very cold temperatures, water vapor freezes directly into ice crystals, creating snow.' For more please visit here:
Through condensation in cold air, forming ice crystals.
Explanation: In very cold temperatures, water vapor freezes directly into ice crystals, creating snow.’
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Why do we store water in earthen pots?
The pots keep water cool through evaporation. Explanation: Water seeps through tiny pores in the pot and evaporates, cooling the remaining water. For more please visit here:
The pots keep water cool through evaporation.
Explanation: Water seeps through tiny pores in the pot and evaporates, cooling the remaining water.
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Why does water vapor condense on a mirror after a hot shower?
The mirror cools the vapor, turning it into droplets. Explanation: The mirror’s cool surface provides a place for vapor to condense, forming mist on the glass. For more please visit here:
The mirror cools the vapor, turning it into droplets.
Explanation: The mirror’s cool surface provides a place for vapor to condense, forming mist on the glass.
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How do raindrops form?
From condensed water droplets in clouds. Explanation: When droplets in clouds combine and grow heavy, they fall as rain. For more please visit here:
From condensed water droplets in clouds.
Explanation: When droplets in clouds combine and grow heavy, they fall as rain.
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What role does condensation play in forming clouds?
It turns water vapor into droplets, forming clouds. Explanation: As warm air rises and cools, water vapor condenses around particles, forming clouds. For more please visit here:
It turns water vapor into droplets, forming clouds.
Explanation: As warm air rises and cools, water vapor condenses around particles, forming clouds.
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Why do clothes dry faster in sunlight?
Sunlight provides heat, speeding up evaporation. Explanation: The heat causes water in the clothes to evaporate more quickly than in the shade. For more please visit here:
Sunlight provides heat, speeding up evaporation.
Explanation: The heat causes water in the clothes to evaporate more quickly than in the shade.
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What is the process called when ice turns directly into vapor?
Sublimation. Explanation: Sublimation occurs when solid water (ice) changes directly to gas without becoming liquid. For more please visit here:
Explanation: Sublimation occurs when solid water (ice) changes directly to gas without becoming liquid.
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