It acts as a makeshift filter for basic separation. Explanation: Cloth has small pores that trap solid impurities, making water cleaner. For more please visit here:
It acts as a makeshift filter for basic separation.
Explanation: Cloth has small pores that trap solid impurities, making water cleaner.
Filtration. Explanation: Since chalk powder is insoluble, it can be separated by filtering the mixture. For more please visit here:
Explanation: Since chalk powder is insoluble, it can be separated by filtering the mixture.
To obtain salt by removing the water. Explanation: Evaporation leaves behind the dissolved solid as the water changes to vapor. For more please visit here:
To obtain salt by removing the water.
Explanation: Evaporation leaves behind the dissolved solid as the water changes to vapor.
Because husk is lighter than grains and can be blown away. Explanation: Air or wind helps in carrying the lighter husk, leaving the heavier grains behind. For more please visit here:
Because husk is lighter than grains and can be blown away.
Explanation: Air or wind helps in carrying the lighter husk, leaving the heavier grains behind.
By dissolving salt in water, filtering, and evaporating the water. Explanation: Salt dissolves while sand doesn’t, so filtration and evaporation separate them. For more please visit here:
By dissolving salt in water, filtering, and evaporating the water.
Explanation: Salt dissolves while sand doesn’t, so filtration and evaporation separate them.
Decantation. Explanation: Since oil floats on water, it can be poured off, leaving water behind. For more please visit here:
Explanation: Since oil floats on water, it can be poured off, leaving water behind.
Wind helps carry away water vapor, increasing evaporation rate. Explanation: Moving air reduces humidity near the surface, allowing more water to evaporate. For more please visit here:
Wind helps carry away water vapor, increasing evaporation rate.
Explanation: Moving air reduces humidity near the surface, allowing more water to evaporate.
It evaporates. Explanation: Heat from the sun causes the water to gain energy and evaporate into the air. For more please visit here:
It evaporates.
Explanation: Heat from the sun causes the water to gain energy and evaporate into the air.
The process of changing a liquid to a solid. Explanation: When water cools below 0°C, it turns into ice, as energy is removed from the water. For more please visit here:
The process of changing a liquid to a solid.
Explanation: When water cools below 0°C, it turns into ice, as energy is removed from the water.
Due to condensation. Explanation: Water vapor in the air turns into liquid droplets when it contacts the cold surface. For more please visit here:
Due to condensation.
Explanation: Water vapor in the air turns into liquid droplets when it contacts the cold surface.
Why is a piece of cloth used as a filter in rural areas?
It acts as a makeshift filter for basic separation. Explanation: Cloth has small pores that trap solid impurities, making water cleaner. For more please visit here:
It acts as a makeshift filter for basic separation.
Explanation: Cloth has small pores that trap solid impurities, making water cleaner.
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What method would you use to separate chalk powder from water?
Filtration. Explanation: Since chalk powder is insoluble, it can be separated by filtering the mixture. For more please visit here:
Explanation: Since chalk powder is insoluble, it can be separated by filtering the mixture.
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Why do we add salt to water and evaporate it?
To obtain salt by removing the water. Explanation: Evaporation leaves behind the dissolved solid as the water changes to vapor. For more please visit here:
To obtain salt by removing the water.
Explanation: Evaporation leaves behind the dissolved solid as the water changes to vapor.
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Why is winnowing effective in separating husk from grains?
Because husk is lighter than grains and can be blown away. Explanation: Air or wind helps in carrying the lighter husk, leaving the heavier grains behind. For more please visit here:
Because husk is lighter than grains and can be blown away.
Explanation: Air or wind helps in carrying the lighter husk, leaving the heavier grains behind.
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How can sand and salt be separated?
By dissolving salt in water, filtering, and evaporating the water. Explanation: Salt dissolves while sand doesn’t, so filtration and evaporation separate them. For more please visit here:
By dissolving salt in water, filtering, and evaporating the water.
Explanation: Salt dissolves while sand doesn’t, so filtration and evaporation separate them.
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What method is used to separate oil from water?
Decantation. Explanation: Since oil floats on water, it can be poured off, leaving water behind. For more please visit here:
Explanation: Since oil floats on water, it can be poured off, leaving water behind.
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Why does water evaporate faster on windy days?
Wind helps carry away water vapor, increasing evaporation rate. Explanation: Moving air reduces humidity near the surface, allowing more water to evaporate. For more please visit here:
Wind helps carry away water vapor, increasing evaporation rate.
Explanation: Moving air reduces humidity near the surface, allowing more water to evaporate.
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What happens to water in a puddle on a hot day?
It evaporates. Explanation: Heat from the sun causes the water to gain energy and evaporate into the air. For more please visit here:
It evaporates.
Explanation: Heat from the sun causes the water to gain energy and evaporate into the air.
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What is freezing?
The process of changing a liquid to a solid. Explanation: When water cools below 0°C, it turns into ice, as energy is removed from the water. For more please visit here:
The process of changing a liquid to a solid.
Explanation: When water cools below 0°C, it turns into ice, as energy is removed from the water.
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Why does water form droplets on the outside of a cold glass?
Due to condensation. Explanation: Water vapor in the air turns into liquid droplets when it contacts the cold surface. For more please visit here:
Due to condensation.
Explanation: Water vapor in the air turns into liquid droplets when it contacts the cold surface.
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