By increasing surface area, heat, or air movement. Explanation: More exposed surface, warmth, and wind increase evaporation by providing energy or moving vapor away. For more please visit here:
By increasing surface area, heat, or air movement.
Explanation: More exposed surface, warmth, and wind increase evaporation by providing energy or moving vapor away.
It increases air movement, speeding evaporation. Explanation: Fans blow away moist air, allowing more water to evaporate from the clothes. For more please visit here:
It increases air movement, speeding evaporation.
Explanation: Fans blow away moist air, allowing more water to evaporate from the clothes.
Through evaporation and rising warm air. Explanation: Water vapor rises with warm air, cools at higher altitudes, and forms clouds. For more please visit here:
Through evaporation and rising warm air.
Explanation: Water vapor rises with warm air, cools at higher altitudes, and forms clouds.
Rain absorbs heat as it evaporates after falling. Explanation: The cool raindrops lower the temperature of the surrounding air. For more please visit here:
Rain absorbs heat as it evaporates after falling.
Explanation: The cool raindrops lower the temperature of the surrounding air.
To cool the ground as the water evaporates. Explanation: Evaporation absorbs heat, cooling the surface and reducing temperature. For more please visit here:
To cool the ground as the water evaporates.
Explanation: Evaporation absorbs heat, cooling the surface and reducing temperature.
By evaporating water between the pots. Explanation: As water seeps and evaporates, it cools the inner pot, keeping its contents cool. For more please visit here:
By evaporating water between the pots.
Explanation: As water seeps and evaporates, it cools the inner pot, keeping its contents cool.
Freezing. Explanation: When water cools below 0°C, it loses energy and solidifies into ice. For more please visit here:
Explanation: When water cools below 0°C, it loses energy and solidifies into ice.
It evaporates. Explanation: Left uncovered, water will gradually disappear as it turns into vapor and mixes with the air. For more please visit here:
It evaporates.
Explanation: Left uncovered, water will gradually disappear as it turns into vapor and mixes with the air.
Cooler night air causes water vapor to condense. Explanation: Dew forms when air temperatures drop at night, allowing moisture to condense on surfaces. For more please visit here:
Cooler night air causes water vapor to condense.
Explanation: Dew forms when air temperatures drop at night, allowing moisture to condense on surfaces.
Sweating cools our body as the sweat evaporates. Explanation: Evaporation absorbs heat from the skin, making us feel cooler. For more please visit here:
Sweating cools our body as the sweat evaporates.
Explanation: Evaporation absorbs heat from the skin, making us feel cooler.
How can we speed up evaporation?
By increasing surface area, heat, or air movement. Explanation: More exposed surface, warmth, and wind increase evaporation by providing energy or moving vapor away. For more please visit here:
By increasing surface area, heat, or air movement.
Explanation: More exposed surface, warmth, and wind increase evaporation by providing energy or moving vapor away.
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What effect does a fan have on drying clothes?
It increases air movement, speeding evaporation. Explanation: Fans blow away moist air, allowing more water to evaporate from the clothes. For more please visit here:
It increases air movement, speeding evaporation.
Explanation: Fans blow away moist air, allowing more water to evaporate from the clothes.
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How does water reach clouds?
Through evaporation and rising warm air. Explanation: Water vapor rises with warm air, cools at higher altitudes, and forms clouds. For more please visit here:
Through evaporation and rising warm air.
Explanation: Water vapor rises with warm air, cools at higher altitudes, and forms clouds.
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Why does rain cool the air?
Rain absorbs heat as it evaporates after falling. Explanation: The cool raindrops lower the temperature of the surrounding air. For more please visit here:
Rain absorbs heat as it evaporates after falling.
Explanation: The cool raindrops lower the temperature of the surrounding air.
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Why do we sprinkle water on the ground in summer?
To cool the ground as the water evaporates. Explanation: Evaporation absorbs heat, cooling the surface and reducing temperature. For more please visit here:
To cool the ground as the water evaporates.
Explanation: Evaporation absorbs heat, cooling the surface and reducing temperature.
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How does a pot-in-pot cooler keep things cool?
By evaporating water between the pots. Explanation: As water seeps and evaporates, it cools the inner pot, keeping its contents cool. For more please visit here:
By evaporating water between the pots.
Explanation: As water seeps and evaporates, it cools the inner pot, keeping its contents cool.
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What process turns liquid water into ice?
Freezing. Explanation: When water cools below 0°C, it loses energy and solidifies into ice. For more please visit here:
Explanation: When water cools below 0°C, it loses energy and solidifies into ice.
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What happens to water in an open container over time?
It evaporates. Explanation: Left uncovered, water will gradually disappear as it turns into vapor and mixes with the air. For more please visit here:
It evaporates.
Explanation: Left uncovered, water will gradually disappear as it turns into vapor and mixes with the air.
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Why is dew seen in the morning?
Cooler night air causes water vapor to condense. Explanation: Dew forms when air temperatures drop at night, allowing moisture to condense on surfaces. For more please visit here:
Cooler night air causes water vapor to condense.
Explanation: Dew forms when air temperatures drop at night, allowing moisture to condense on surfaces.
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Why do we feel cooler when we sweat?
Sweating cools our body as the sweat evaporates. Explanation: Evaporation absorbs heat from the skin, making us feel cooler. For more please visit here:
Sweating cools our body as the sweat evaporates.
Explanation: Evaporation absorbs heat from the skin, making us feel cooler.
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