In both The Third Level by Jack Finney and Adventure by Jayant Narlikar, fantasy and reality interweave to explore the protagonists’ longing for an alternate existence. While Charley in The Third Level discovers an imaginary portal to the past as a means of escaping modern stress, Professor Gaitonde in Adventure experiences a parallel universe where history diverges from his own reality. Both stories use these alternate realms to highlight human curiosity and the desire to escape or question the limitations of their current lives.
This question related to Chapter English Vistas Class 12th NCERT.
From the Chapter 1. The Third Level.
Give answer according to your understanding.
In “Adventure” Jayant Narlikar expressed that many worlds exist at the same time but they appeared to be separated by time. He expressed that the other world also existed and flourish with the world we are aware of. Whereas, in the third level, narrator gets lost in the world of dreams because he wants peace of mind and for this he dreams of going to a quiet and greener place named Galesburg, away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
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