Reversing and adding numbers usually results in a palindrome, but not always. For example, starting with 89 requires 24 steps to form a palindrome. Some numbers, like 196, remain unresolved, even after numerous iterations.
Class 6 Mathematics Ganita Prakash Number Play
Class 6 Mathematics Chapter 3 Number Play question answer
In most cases, reversing and adding numbers repeatedly produces a palindrome. For example, starting with 56 gives 121 after one step: 56 + 65 = 121. However, exceptions exist. The number 89 requires 24 steps to reach a palindrome (8,813,200). Additionally, some numbers, such as 196, are considered “non-lychrel” because no palindrome has been discovered for them after thousands of iterations. While the process often works, these anomalies make the pattern incomplete, requiring further exploration in mathematics.
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