In earlier days, science was referred to as “natural philosophy” because it focused on the study of the natural world and the fundamental principles governing it. The term “philosophy” in this context did not just refer to abstract thinking but also to the search for knowledge and understanding of the universe, its origins, and its workings. Natural philosophy encompassed a wide range of topics, including physics, astronomy, biology, and chemistry, but at that time, these fields were not yet separated into the specialized sciences we know today.
The term reflected the approach of early thinkers who used reasoning, observation, and speculation to explain natural phenomena, much like philosophers approached the study of ethics, logic, and metaphysics. As scientific methods advanced and knowledge became more systematized, natural philosophy evolved into the distinct branches of modern science. However, the historical connection remains, as science’s roots lie in the philosophical quest to understand the natural world.
This is because in earlier days, scientific knowledge was gained from the direct study of natural phenomena without any experimentation. This question related to Chapter 1 physics Class 11th NCERT. From the Chapter 1. Units and Measurements. Give answer according to your understanding.
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