Rajkumar Shukla is described as “resolute” because of his unwavering determination to seek justice for the plight of the indigo farmers in Bihar. Despite facing numerous obstacles and the indifference of authorities, Shukla persistently pursued Mahatma Gandhi to secure his support in addressing the oppressive conditions imposed by British landlords. His steadfast commitment to fighting for the rights of his fellow farmers, coupled with his relentless spirit in the face of adversity, exemplifies the essence of resoluteness.
This question related to Chapter: 5 English Class 12th NCERT.
From the chapter Indigo.
Give answer according to your understanding.
Rajkumar Shukla was firm in his intentions; it is evident from the fact that he did not leave Gandhi until Gandhi promised to accompany him to Champaran. Rajkumar travelled a long way from Champaran to Lucknow. Wherever Gandhi went, he went with him so that he could find a solution to the serious problem and make Gandhi realize what he and his villagers were facing.
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