Work is the energy transferred to or from an object via the application of force along a distance.
Class 11 Physics
Work, Energy and Power
CBSE EXAM 2024-25
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There was said to work when a force is applied onto an object along with the movements of the applied force. But for work, however to be done then three conditions apply:
1. Applied Force: One must apply forces on the affected object.
2. Displacement by the Applied force: The resultant movement of applying the force with the object having moved from position.
3. Direction Alignment: The displacement must have a component in the direction of the applied force.
Examples of Work:
1. Lifting an Object: When you lift a book from the ground, you apply an upward force, and the book moves upwards. Here, work is done because the force and displacement are in the same direction.
2. Pushing a cart: While the person applies the force for pushing the shopping cart, work gets done due to the displacement in the direction of the force.
3. Pulling a Sled: One example of using force to do work would be pulling the sled on snowy surfaces. Applying force to push it in the direction of pull means work done is achieved.
4. Lifting Water Using a Bucket: If a bucket is used to draw water from a well, then work is done as the bucket goes upwards because of the applied force.
Work is not done when the object is stationary or the applied force is perpendicular to the displacement. This means holding an immovable object or carrying a load horizontally in which no vertical displacement is created does not include work.
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