The Myristica swamps in Kerala are home to ancient nutmeg (Jayafala) trees. These swamps are significant for preserving rare wetland ecosystems and the production of nutmeg, an essential spice in Indian cuisine.
Class 6 NCERT Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Project 2 Biodiversity Register solutions
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 2 Project 2 Biodiversity Register question answer
Kerala’s Myristica swamps are unique wetland ecosystems that host ancient nutmeg (Jayafala) trees. These trees produce nutmeg, a valuable spice widely used in cooking. The swamps are crucial for biodiversity conservation, supporting rare flora and fauna adapted to wetland conditions. Protecting such habitats ensures the survival of these species and highlights the ecological importance of preserving rare ecosystems like the Myristica swamps, which contribute significantly to both biodiversity and agriculture.