The Chilkigarh Kanak Durga Sacred Grove in West Bengal has special medicinal plants. The local community protects these plants, preserving their traditional uses and ensuring the grove remains a biodiversity hotspot.
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Textbook chapter 2 Project 2 Biodiversity Register question answer
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Grade 6 Project 2 Biodiversity Register solutions
The Chilkigarh Kanak Durga Sacred Grove in West Bengal is known for its unique medicinal plants, which are deeply connected to traditional practices. The local community safeguards the grove, ensuring these plants are protected for their ecological and cultural significance. Their efforts preserve biodiversity while maintaining the grove’s role in traditional medicine and rituals. This highlights the critical role of community involvement in conserving sacred and ecologically vital spaces.