Reaction time ensures quick responses to game cues like whistles or movements. Drills involving sudden signals, zig-zag runs, or fakes improve reaction time, enhancing players’ agility and overall performance in the fast-paced game.
class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter 3 question answer
class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Chapter 3 Fundamental Skills of Kho-Kho solutions
Reaction time is critical in Kho-Kho, enabling players to respond promptly to opponents’ actions and game signals. Quick reactions help chasers tag defenders and defenders dodge effectively. To improve reaction time, players can practice specific drills like zig-zag runs, whistle-based sprints, or scenarios involving sudden directional changes. These activities enhance neural reflexes, agility, and decision-making, ensuring that players are well-prepared to adapt to the dynamic nature of the game.