NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Chapter 7
Class 10 English5
Glimpses of India
Important NCERT Questions Based on new NCERT Books for Session 2022-2023
2 Marks Questions
What importance did the baker’s furnace have in the village in Goa?
The baker would come by each day, to deliver loaves of bread for the elders of the house while the children waited eagerly for the bread-bangles. Bread was an important part of all feasts and festivities. For example, it was a must to serve sandwiches during an engagement party. Similarly, the sweet bread called ‘bol’ was always included in the wedding gifts. Festivals like Christmas demanded the presence of ‘bolinhas’ and cakes on the menu. The baker did good business during regular days and even more so during festivities, since the villagers needed his products, making him an important part of the village set-up.
In the village Goa the bakers and their loaves of bread are very famous.It became an important part of the lives of the people of Goa.The children of the houses love to eat bread-bangles,the elders eat the loaves of bread,the ladies of the houses make sandwiches on their daughters engagement ceremony,marriages were incomplete or meaningless without the sweet bol,feasts and parties were impossible without,the baker’s furnace play an vital role in the village of goa.
Because the baker’s services were needed on daily basis and also during celebration.the Baker would come by each day to deliver loaves of the bread for the elders of the house while the children waited eagerly for the bread -bangles
The loaves of bread had become an important and integral part of the lives of the people in Goa. Marriages were meaningless without the sweet bread or the bol. No party or feast was possible without bread. The lady of the house would prepare sandwiches on the engagement ceremony of her daughter. Cakes and sweet breads were a must for Christmas and other festivals. The presence of the baker’s furnace was absolutely essential in the village.