The fresh air, clean water, and natural surroundings in the village positively affect Bhoomi and Surya’s health. They feel refreshed, more active, and enjoy a sense of mental peace, which contrasts with the pollution and stress of city life.
What impact does the village environment have on Bhoomi and Surya’s health and well-being?
The village environment has a profound effect on Bhoomi and Surya’s physical and mental well-being. The fresh, clean air they breathe helps them feel more energetic, while the unpolluted water and natural foods they consume contribute to their health. The quiet, peaceful surroundings also allow them to relax and unwind, reducing any stress they might feel in the bustling city. This exposure to nature improves their overall sense of well-being, making them feel more connected to the environment and mindful of their health.
For more CBSE Class 6 Science Curiosity Chapter 11 Nature’s Treasures Extra Questions & Answer: