CBSE Session 2022-2023.
Class 9 chapter 6 Peasants and Farmers.
Important Questions of Class 9th NCERT.
NCERT SOCIAL SCIENCE Solutions, History.
CBSE Board state and other board.
NCERT book Extra Questions.
What does ‘common land’ mean to the English countryside peasant ?
(i) All villagers had access to the commons.
(ii) Here, they pastured their cows and grazed their sheep.
(iii) They collected fuelwood for fire and berries and fruits for food.
(iv) They fished in the rivers and ponds and hunted rabbits in common forests.
(v) For the poor, the common land was essential for survival.
(vi) It supplemented their meagre income, sustained their cattle and helped
them during bad times when crops failed.