We grew crops like brinjals, cucumbers, and coriander. These were recorded in Table 1.5 by listing their names, associated costs of materials, harvested quantity (in numbers or weight) and their respective market prices.
Class 6 Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 Work with Life Forms question answer
Class 6 NCERT Vocational Education Kaushal Bodh Part 1 Work with Life Forms Project 1 School Kitchen Garden
Crops such as brinjals, cucumbers, and coriander were grown in the kitchen garden. For Table 1.5, their names were documented along with the costs of seeds, soil amendments, and tools used. The harvested quantity was recorded by number or weight, ensuring accurate calculations. Market prices of these items were compared to set fair values. This organized record helped estimate potential revenue and evaluate the profitability of the kitchen garden produce effectively.