The Āsanas introduced are Ardhakaṭicakrāsana (standing), Padmāsana (sitting), Bhujaṅgāsana, Shalabhāsana (prone) and Uttanapadāsana (supine). These poses improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and prepare the body for higher Yoga practices, including meditation.
Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 5 Chapter 1 Yoga For Daily Life NCERT solutions
Class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Unit 5 Chapter 2 Yoga Preparing For Yogic Practices question answer
This grade introduces standing (Ardhakaṭicakrāsana), sitting (Padmāsana), prone (Bhujaṅgāsana and Shalabhāsana), and supine (Uttanapadāsana) Āsanas. Each type targets specific areas of the body, enhancing strength, flexibility, and balance. They also improve internal organ function and prepare the mind and body for advanced Yoga practices, such as meditation. These foundational poses establish a solid base for cultivating physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.