The three basic colors are
The three basic colors are blue, red, and green. These colors are primary in the additive color model used for light. They combine in various ways to produce a wide spectrum of colors, including white light when combined in equal intensities.
The three basic colors are blue, red, and green (Option C). These colors are primary in the additive color model, which is used for light sources such as computer screens, televisions, and human vision. In this model, the primary colors combine in various ways to produce other colors. For instance, red and green light mix to produce yellow, green and blue produce cyan, and blue and red produce magenta. When blue, red, and green light are combined in equal intensities, they produce white light. This model is fundamental to technologies that use light to display colors, such as RGB color systems in digital screens. Understanding these primary colors is crucial for fields like digital imaging, color printing, and lighting design, as it helps in accurately reproducing colors and creating a wide range of hues by mixing the basic colors in different proportions.