The story “The Tiger King” is primarily a satire on the absurdity of absolute power, arrogance, and the futility of human attempts to control fate. Through the Maharaja’s obsessive pursuit of killing 100 tigers to defy a prophecy, the story mocks the vanity and irrational decisions of rulers who are blinded by their own pride. It also satirizes the human tendency to manipulate nature for personal glory, as well as the unquestioning obedience of those around powerful figures. The ironic conclusion, where the Maharaja dies in an unexpected manner, further highlights the theme of fate’s uncontrollable nature.
This question related to Chapter 2 English Vistas Class 12th NCERT.
From theChapter 2. The Tiger King.
Give answer according to your understanding.
The story satirizes the Maharaja’s foolishness and his excessive pride in trying to defy fate. Therefore option B is correct answer.
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