The next day, the neighbour asked the man in the story about what had happened. My wife and I were about to go to sleep last night when we heard someone making noise outside. It was around midnight, and we were in our bedroom when the sound came from near the window.
Fables and Folk Tales Class 6 Chapter 3 Page 34.
Class 6 English NCERT Poorvi Unit 1 Chapter 3 Rama to the Rescue
class 6 English Textbook Poorvi chapter 3 question answer
My wife and I were about to go to sleep last night when we heard someone making noise outside. It was around midnight, and we were in our bedroom when the sound came from near the window. We both got up quietly to investigate and realized that someone was trying to break into our house. We were frightened but stayed calm. I whispered to my wife to stay quiet, and then I called out “Rama!” softly at first, then louder, hoping the village kotwal would hear us. Luckily, he did, and the thief was caught just in time. The thief had dug his way into our house, hoping to steal our valuables. Thanks to the quick arrival of the kotwal, we were saved from the robbery.
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