A traveling wave is a disturbance that moves through a medium or space, transferring energy without transporting matter. It can be mechanical or electromagnetic and propagates with a specific speed, frequency, and wavelength. Examples include water waves, sound waves, and light waves, each exhibiting reflection, refraction, and interference.
Class 11 Physics covers Oscillations in Chapter 13 for the CBSE Exam 2024-25. This chapter explains periodic motion, simple harmonic motion, and damped and forced oscillations. It includes concepts like time period, frequency, and angular frequency. The study of pendulums and springs helps understand oscillatory motion. Equations of motion and energy considerations are also discussed.
In the wave equation y = A sin(kx – ωt):
– k is the wave number, which describes the spatial frequency of the wave. In technical terms, it is defined as k = 2π/λ, where λ is the wavelength.
– It tells how many wave cycles are accommodated in a unit distance.
Therefore, k decides the waves’ propagation in space.
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