This unit covers Yama, Niyama, Sūkshma Vyāyāma, Śithalīkaraṇa Vyāyāma, Prānāyāma, Āsanas, Pratyāhāra, Dhārana, Dhyāna, relaxation and Krīḍā Yoga, each aimed at improving physical health, mental focus and spiritual growth.
Class 6 NCERT Physical Education and Well-being Unit V Chapter 3 Āsanas, Khel Yatra
class 6 Physical Education and Well-being Textbook Chapter 4 Pranayam question answer
The unit introduces key yogic practices like Yama and Niyama for ethical and personal discipline, Sūkshma Vyāyāma for joint flexibility, and Śithalīkaraṇa Vyāyāma for warming up the body. Prānāyāma enhances breath control, while Āsanas strengthen the body. Pratyāhāra focuses on sensory mastery, Dhārana on concentration, and Dhyāna on meditation. Relaxation techniques and Krīḍā Yoga promote mental peace and joy. These practices collectively support holistic health and spiritual growth.