The scientist who received the Nobel Prize in Physics twice was John Bardeen. He first won the Nobel Prize in 1956, along with William Shockley and Walter Brattain, for their invention of the transistor, a breakthrough that revolutionized electronics and paved the way for modern computing and communication technologies.
Bardeen received his second Nobel Prize in Physics in 1972, shared with Leon Cooper and Robert Schrieffer, for their development of the BCS theory, which explained superconductivity—a phenomenon where certain materials exhibit zero electrical resistance at very low temperatures. Bardeen’s exceptional achievements made him the only physicist to receive the Nobel Prize in Physics twice, highlighting his profound impact on both theoretical and applied physics.
John Bardeen. This question related to Chapter 1 physics Class 11th NCERT. From the Chapter 1. Units and Measurements. Give answer according to your understanding.
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