Convert 10/3 and 13/4 to a common denominator: 10/3 = 40/12, 13/4 = 39/12. Since 39/12 < 40/12, Namit takes less time. The difference is 40/12 – 39/12 = 1/12.
class 6 Mathematics Textbook Chapter 7 question answer
class 6 Mathematics Chapter 7 Fractions solutions
To compare the times, convert 10/3 and 13/4 to a common denominator. The least common denominator is 12. Convert 10/3 to 40/12 and 13/4 to 39/12. Now, compare:
39/12 < 40/12, so Namit takes less time.
The difference is:
40/12 – 39/12 = 1/12.
Thus, Namit takes 1/12 of a minute less than Jeevika, which equals 5 seconds. This method ensures accurate comparison by aligning the fractions and observing the difference in time.
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