We can use to teach ch 14 Biomolecule of class 12 chemistry, ch 12 chemistry class 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and carboxylic acids along with Ch 3 chemistry NCERT solutions of Electrochemistry. To teach we want Class 12 Chemistry NCERT solutions PDF and Videos explanations?
Videos are always better to explain things in short!!!
For the proffesional use NCERT solutions for class 12 Chemistry are the best as all the concepts are briefly elaborated. Solid state chemistry class 12 are among some important topics. You can check the video explanation of ch 12 chemistry class 12 Aldehydes, Ketones and carboxylic acids here:
You can also download NCERT Solutions for chapter 14 of chemistry class 12. These are printable PDF and you can also check the video explanation for teaching chemistry class 12 effectively.